Zeppelin-Staaken R.VI - Roden 1/72

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This is a model of 25/16, the very first R.VI built by Zeppelin Staaken. Since the kit gives you Schütte Lanz built 27/16, a few changes had to be made to the engine condole struts for example. I also added fairings for the turnbuckles and strenghtened the landing gear with some brass parts. The lozenge is brush painted with a mixture of Humbrol enamels and artistic oil colours. The quality of the kit was great, which is certainly a good think, since the build was complicated enough without extra difficulties. The decals were unfortunately of Roden's usual steel plate quality. Micro Sol won't help with them.

DML Dragon Fokker E.V in 1/48

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The old but good Dragon kit. A lot of details added to the cockpit. Cockpit sides replaced with transparent plastic to make the flip side of the lozenge to be seen trough. All the struts replaced with Strutz brass parts. The airscrew carved out of plywood (Harri's comment: "Not quite symmetric, is it? The next one will be better!"). FCM lozenge decals ("Not the best, but only stuff available") and home made personal markings for Friedrich Altemeier of Jasta 24. Wing streaking painted with watercolours.

Nieuport 16 - Eduard Escadrille N.3 Double Kit in 1/48

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(Comments under construction)

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